V-Ray 2.30.01 For 3ds Max 2012 And 2013 Setup __EXCLUSIVE__ Free
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Like they did in Maya? (You can essentially do that by turning off the LUT in max) I can see how it can be confusing to a beginner - we have all been there. I would have agreed with you about it being a legacy feature until I tried it (Zac also requested this be left in vray3 after speaking with Vlad). Which setup do you use Juraj? Also which max version? (Max 2012 I setup differently to this)
I am on win 7 64bit, maya and max 2012 sap, v-ray 2 on both of them. Is only my experience fully un-happy? Is there anyone who is having success with this method ?Thank you for your time and effort anyway
Hello Dispatch88,I tried Max 2012 x64 and Maya 2013 x64 on Windows 7. And it still works normally.The errors you got may cause of your Max and Vray version. Try to downgrade your version, maybe Vray 2.00.03 etc. 2b1af7f3a8