The cost of the transaction Any transaction, there must be a game, and where there is a game, there must be a cost. The cost is divided into two parts: the cost of the user and the executive list cost of the platform. The bounded rationality of users will pursue the lowest personal cost, and the platform will pay more attention to profit, that is, the input-output executive list ratio. The user's cost is in accordance with the decision-making process: generating interest (search cost) - collecting information (identifying information cost) - evaluating value (comparing cost) - making a decision (bargaining cost, decision cost, payment cost) - executing contract executive list cost (time cost, energy cost).
The cost of the platform is based on the transaction process (part of the reference is from Mr. Shaonan): 1. Pre-purchase matching costs First of all, it is executive list necessary to ensure a certain amount of business costs (business team business costs and labor costs) of demand (buyers) and supply (merchants). In particular, the growth of supply is guaranteed. The executive list previous article also talked about how important supply is. From the data results, supply can drive demand. The second is how to effectively match supply and demand, that is, how to distribute the R&D costs and business costs caused by the distribution of orders.
The more types (such as second-hand goods on, the higher the immediacy requirements (such as Didi Taxi), the sparser the supply and executive list demand (house decoration), the more difficult it is to match, and the higher the transaction cost paid by the platform. 2. Negotiating costs and pricing costs in purchasing Let’s talk about bargaining costs first. When executive list there is no fixed price for goods, there will be huge bargaining costs. The negotiating cost itself is the user's, but it will lead to low transaction efficiency on the platform.