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Short SynopsisLive pain free! Now fully updated and revised throughout, this million-copy bestseller will help you feel and move better. With a new foreword by John Lynch, Hall of Fame NFL safety and general manager of the San Francisco 49ers.
Full SynopsisNow fully updated and revised throughout, Pete Egoscue's bestselling book will help you live pain free!Starting today, you don't have to live in pain. That is the revolutionary message of The Egoscue Method, a breakthrough system for eliminating musculoskeletal pain without drugs, surgery, or expensive physical therapy. Developed by Pete Egoscue, an internationally renowned physiologist and injury consultant to some of the most successful performers in all walks of life, The Egoscue Method has helped millions of people feel and move better. Inside, you'll find a step-by-step guide designed to return the body to its balanced, pain-free state and provide quick and lasting relief of: joint discomfort, back and hip pain, bad knees, achy hips, arthritis, joint stiffness, sprains, strains, rotator cuff injuries, tendinitis, bursitis, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, migraines, vertigo, fatigue, and much more!With this book in hand, you're on your way to regaining the greatest gift of all: a pain-free body!
2. "Pete Egoscue has totally changed my life. Never have Iexperiencedsuch complete pain relief as I have following theEgoscue Method." -Jack Nicklaus"Pain Free is based on a very soundunderstanding of humanphysiology. It shows how we can break thecircuit of pain and naturallyheal one of the most significantdisabilities of our time.~- Deepak ChopraSTARTING TODAY, YOU DONTHAVE TO LIVE IN PAINThat is the revolutionary message of thisbreakthrough systemfor eliminating chronic pain without drugs,surgery, or expensive physical therapy. Developed by Pete Egoscue,a nationally renowned physiologist and sports injury consultant tosome of todays top athletes, the Egoscue Method has an astounding95 percent success rate. The key is a series of gentle exercisesand carefully constructed stretches called E-cises. Inside youllfind detailed photographs and step-by-step instructions for dozensof E-cises specifically designed to provide quick and lastingreliif of: Lower back pain, hip problems, sciatica, and bad kneesMigraines and other headaches, stiff neck, and sore shoulders Shinsplints, sprained or weak ankles, and many foot ailments BurSitiS,tendinitis, and much more Plus special preventive programs formaintaining health through the entire bodyHeres how to regain thegreatest gift of all: a pain-free body!Visit Bantams website US $15.00/ $23.00 CAN ISBN 0-553-37988-7 51500II9 780553379884 3. "Born from the genius of Pete Egoscue, thesimple and effective routines in Pain Free are the cutting edge ofphysicaltherapy. This book is extraordinary, and I am thrilledtorecommend it to anyone whos interested in dramatically increasingthe quality of their physical health."-Anthony Robbins, authorofAwaken in Giant Within and Unlimited Power"Pete Egoscue teachesyou practical, powerful E-cises-. exercises that will become yourown best exercise therapist. Whether you are in chronic pain or area peak performance athlete, Pain Free can help you transform paininto power, andhurt into heart. Egoscues methods will help you feelat home again in your body!"-Harold Bloomfield, M.D., author ofHowto Heal Depression "When I first met Pete Egoscue, I had such asignificant back pain that I never thought I would be able to playgolf or tennisagain. Within a matter of months, I was able to playboth withoutany problem. It is hard for me to fmd adequate words todescribe my gratitude and admiration for Pete and his no-nonsense,straightforward approach to relieving chronic pain."-Ted Forstmann,CEO, Forstmann Little & Co. 4. Also by Pete Egoscue with RogerGittines: PAIN FREE AT YOUR PC BANTAMBOOKSNew York TorontoLondonSydneyAuckland 5. REVOLUTIONARY METHOD FORSTOPPING CHRONICPAINPete Egoscuewith Roger Gittines 6. This edition contains thecomplete text of the original hardcover edition.NOT ONE WORD HASBEEN OMITTED.PAIN FREEA Bantam BookPUBLISHING HISTORY Bantamhardcover edition published 1998Bantam trade paperback edition /March 2000All rights reserved.Copyright 1998 by Pete Egoscue.Photos copyright The Egoscue MethodLine drawings by Wendy Wray.Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 97-31745No part of thisbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronicor mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or byany information storage and retrieval system, without permission inwriting from the publisher. For information address: Bantam Books.ISBN 0-553-37988-7 Published simultaneously in the United Statesand CanadaBantam Books are published by Bantam Books, a division ofRandom House, Inc. Its trademark,consisting of the words "BantamBooks" and the portrayal of a rooster, is Registered in U.S. Patentand Trademark Office and in other countries. Marca Registrada.Bantam Books, 1540Broadway, New York, New York 10036. PRINTED INTHE UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA BVG 13 15 17 19 20 18 16 14 12 7.This book is dedicated to my father, Harold Joseph Egoscue, whohaslived his life with integrity, purpose, and achievement. 8.CONTENTSLIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSXlACKNOWLEDGMENTS XIINTRODUCTIONXlllOneChronic Pain: The Modern Danger of Ignoring an AncientMessage 1TwoThe Bodys Design: A First-Class Mechanism Battered bySecond-Class Treatment17ThreeThe Egoscue Method: Getting Personalto Stop Chronic Pain30Four Feet: The Care of the Sole 43FiveAnkles: The Circuit Breaker60SixKnees: Good News About Bad Knees77SevenHips: United We Stand98EightBacks: Close Up on the Far SidellsNine Shoulders: Locked in the Box140TenElbows, Wrists, andHands: The Moving Finger ... 161Eleven Neck and Head: On the Level185Twelve Sports Injuries and Peak Performance: Play or Pay211Thirteen Pain Free: The Right to Move266NOTES283INDEX287 9. Ithas become obligatory for health books to carry a legaldisclaimer.Youve read them: "The following material is not intendedas asubstitute for the advice of a physician...." And they go ontorecommend that you consult a doctor before embarking onwhateverprogram is being offered. They conclude with the authorandpublisher disclaiming any legal responsibility foradverseconsequences. As I did in my first book, I will again urgereaderswho feel they need the disclaimers protection and counsel toclosethese covers and leave the pages unread. My working principleas anauthor and exercise therapist is that the mostimportantconsultation is the one a person has with him- or herself.Healthcare starts with personal responsibility. Any disclaimer thatsuggestsotherwise does a great disservice. 10. LIST OFILLUSTRATIONS Chapter 1Figure 1-1: The spinal S-curve in aticktacktoe grid. 8Figure 1-2: A group of people exhibiting"sagging"dysfunctional effects in different ways. 11 Chapter3Figure 3-1: Knees with valgus stress.35Figure 3-2: A nonbilateralbody. 39 Chapter 4Figure 4-1: The foots bone structure andarchesfrom above and from the side.43Figure 4-2: A flat foot.45Figure 4-3: A foot on cradle rockers, showingpronation andsupination movements.46Figure 4-4: Flat, everted feet; the arrowsillustrate thedownward pronation pressure on the inside of thefoot. 47Figure 4-5: Foot Circles and Point Flexes. 53Figure 4-6 (a,b): Supine Calf/Hamstring Stretch with a Strap. 54Figure 4-7:Static Extension.56Figure 4-8: Air Bench. 57 11. xii..lIST OFIllUSTRATIONS Chapter 5Figure 5-1: A side view of the ankles basicstructure.60Figure 5-2: The bodys load-bearing joints,dysfunctionallyloaded and functionally loaded.62Figure 5-3: Theankles fibular ligaments. 64Figure 5-4: The attachment of theAchilles tendon to the heel. 68Figure 5-5: Static Back. 70Figure5-6: Static Wall. 71Figure 5-7: Supine Groin Stretch.72 Chapter6Figure 6-1: The knees internal structure. 77Figure 6-2: Misalignedshoulders and hips. 83Figure 6-3: Functional and dysfunctionalknees.87Figure 6-4: Knees with internal rotation.88Figure 6-5 Ca,b): Standing Gluteal Contractions.89Figure 6-6: Sitting HeelRaises. 90Figure 6-7: Isolated Hip Flexor Lifts on a Towel.91Figure6-8: Supine Groin Stretch on Towels.92Figure 6-9: A knee withexternal rotation. 93Figure 6-10: Sitting Knee Pillow Squeezes.94Figure 6-11: Sitting Floor.95Figure 6-12 Ca, b): ProgressiveSupine Groin.96 Chapter 1Figure 7-1: The pelvic girdle.98Figure7-2: Hip socket with femur inserted.100Figure 7-3: Seesawsillustrating hip flexion-extension.108Figure 7-4: Counter Stretch.112 12. LISTOF ILLUSTRATIONS.. xiiiChapter 8Figure 8-1: The spinalcurves. 115Figure 8-2: Static Back Knee Pillow Squeezes.120Figure8-3: Modified Floor Block.121Figure 8-4: A seated person with ahealthy arch in his back. 125Figure 8-5: A seated person with hipsand back in flexion. 127Figure 8-6: The vertebrae shown in relationto each other. 128Figure 8-7: A vertebral disk under pressure.128Figure 8-8: Reverse Presses. 131Figure 8-9 (a, b):Pullovers.132Figure 8-10 (a, b, c): Floor Block.133Figure 8-11:Squat.136Chapter 9Figure 9-1: The shoulder joint.140Figure 9-2: Themodern range of motion.142Figure 9-3: Sitting ScapularContractions. 152Figure 9-4: Prone Ankle Squeezes.156Figure 9-5:Gravity Drop.157Figure 9-6: Triangles are a basic musculoskeletalunit.159Chapter 10Figure 10-1: The arm, bent at the elbow, with thewristand hand.161Figure 10-2: The ulna and radius as they cross andas they lieparallel.164Figure 10-3: The palm in pronation.164Figure10-4: Circumduction.172Figure 10-5 (a, b, c): Wall Clock. 173Figure10-6: Two models, one functional, the other withsymptoms of carpaltunnel syndrome.177 13. xiv..LISTOf IlLUSTRATIOIiSChaPler 11Figure11-1: The head and neck. 185Figure 11-2: Frog.194Figure 11-3: WallTowels. 209ChaPler 12Figure 12-1 (a, b): Arm Circles.217Figure 12-2(a, b): Elbow Curls.218Figure 12-3: Standing Overhead Extension.219Figure 12-4: Upper Spinal Floor Twist.220Figure 12-5 (a, b):Cats and Dogs.221Figure 12-6 (a, b): Downward Dog. 224Figure 12-7:Kneeling Counter Stretch.227Figure 12-8 (a, b, c): Three-PositionToe Raises. 228Figure 12-9: Standing Quad Stretch. 230Figure 12-10(a, b): Runners Stretch.235Figure 12-11 (a, b, c): Spread FootForward Bend. 236Figure 12-12 (a, b): Abdominal Crunchies.249Figure 12-13: Sitting Floor Twist.252Figure 12-14: KneelingGroin Stretch. 258Figure 12-15: Hand/Leg Opposites Blocked. 260 14.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSProviding effective therapy to treat chronicmusculoskeletal painand writing a book about it are similar in atleast one significantway-they both take teamwork. I will brieflysingle out a few indi-viduals for special thanks, but it would takepages to express mygratitude adequately. Roger Gittines, whose nameis on the cover asmy coauthor, also needs to be recognized as agood friend. Heworked hard and well to make sure we ended up sayingwhat Imeant. Our editor at Bantam Books, Brian Tart, skillfullykept us ontrack. Brian Bradley, The Egoscue Method Clinic Director,and EricaLusk, Director of Video Therapy, went above and beyond thecall ofduty by doing most of the modeling work. The rest of theclinic staffprovided great support. Linda and John Lynch, NevinsMcBride,Charlie and Vera Richardson, and Alex Quintero madeimportantcontributions. Illustrator Wendy Wray proved that whilesomedrawings are worth a thousand words, hers are of a muchhighervalue. Margret McBride, my friend and literary agent,believed inthe book and the Method, and never ran out of patience.Finally-saving the most important for last-Im grateful for allthose menand women, girls and boys, who have had the courage totrust theirown instincts and their own bodies. They are the realstarting lineupfor the team that made this book and the EgoscueMethod possible. 15. INTRODUCTIONThis is a book about ourbodies-yours and mine. We are differentin height, weight, andpossibly gender. But our common possessionis the bodys inner powerto heal itself and to be pain free. By choos-ing those two words asmy title, I am celebrating our mutual goodfortune. I am also makinga promise that I know you can keep.Being pain free takes personaleffort and commitment. Itdoesnt come from a pill bottle, a surgeonsknife, a brace, or in spe-cially designed mattresses, chairs, andtools. The thousands of menand women who in the course of a typicalyear visit my EgoscueMethod Clinic in San Diego, California, knowit, or they soon findout, and I watch them transform their lives asthey rediscover the joyand health that had seemed lost forever.While each client is dedi-cated to stopping chronic pain in oneform or another, they are alltaking the easy way out. The easiest,really.The following pages show you the way. It does notinvolvehigh-tech medicine or elaborate physical therapy routines.Youwont need to buy special equipment or consult cadres of experts.Inthe first three chapters, I review how the human body is designedtomaintain its own health throughout a long lifetime. Episodes ofpainare aberrations that can be easily treated if the body ispermitted todo its work. Unfortunately, many of us dont understandeven themost basic features of this magnificent "machine."Following this overview are eight chapters, each dealing withaspecific chronic pain condition. You have probably already lookedatthe table of contents. I reverse the usual order and go from foottohead: sore feet, ankles, knees, hips, back, shoulders, elbows,wrists,hands, neck, and head. The chronic pain chapters are set upto giveyou a quick and thorough briefing on whats happening in thatpart 16. xviiiINTRODUCTIONof the body when it hurts. After eachbriefing, I offer a series of exer-cises designed to alleviate thecauses of pain in that body part. Myfriends at the clinic havenicknamed them E-cises, for "Egoscue-cises; to tease me for my nearobsession with fine-tuning them astherapeutic tools. What startedas an inside joke has taken root, andthats what I call them in thisbook. The E-cises are arranged inmenus, and are easy to do andextremely effective. To guide youalong, I provide detailedinstructions and many photos.Next comes a chapter on common chronicpain problemsrelating to popular sports and recreationalactivities, and finally aconcluding chapter that, among otherthings, offers an overall con-ditioning menu of E-cises for youruse once your chronic painsymptoms abate. A Quick Guide to UsingPain FreeAn author probably should not presume to tell a reader howtoread a book, but I will risk it anyway in the interest of makingthisinformation as accessible as possible. My guess is that you areinpain or have been in pain recently. Take the time to read thefirstthree chapters, which give you valuable backgroundknowledge.Ill explain how a serious deficiency of "design motion"is causingyour chronic pain symptoms and how easy it is for you toremedythe situation. Then quickly flip through the rest of thechapters toget a look at the boxes and breakouts that present keyconcepts incapsule form. Finally, turn to the chapter that focuseson your spe-cific condition. My hope is that youll eventually readthe bookstraight through, but I realize that stopping the pain maybe para-mount in your mind. If I had to choose one additionalmust-readchapter, it would be chapter 7, which deals with hips. Thecondi-tion of our hips plays a central role in combating chronicpainthroughout the body. Ill take one more unusual liberty as anauthor by making thisstatement: Pain Free wont do you much good ifyou just read it.Information is fine, but action is far better.When practiced both inthe clinic and at home, the E-cises in thisbook yield a ninety-five 17. INTRODUCTION +xixpercent success rate.Yet the Egoscue Method conquers chronic painonly because those whoare suffering are empowered with themeans to heal themselves-andthey use that power. Those amongthe five percent who are unable tofind relief using the Method oftendo not have the time or theinclination to take action; they do theE-cises sporadically or notat alLI urge you to use the E-cises. They look simple, but theyarecalibrated to pinpoint specific mus 2b1af7f3a8